John McAuley


Under 65!




Paul, Julie, Rhonda,

Amanda, David



Years at Hebron

















I thank The Lord for giving me one of the greatest privileges any young person could have – being born into a Christian home where both my parents knew and loved The Lord and sought to raise their family according to God’s Word.  As well as in the home, there was also Sabbath School where faithful teachers (some now gone to be with The Lord) were used to sow the Good Seed in my young heart.  I was also taken to various missions that were being held in the district by the Faith Mission and CWU.  As a result of all this, there never was a time in my life that I didn’t know of my need of Salvation.

Despite all these privileges and blessings, Salvation is a personal relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ.  God’s Word tells us that;
-‘All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.’ (Romans ch3 v23)
-‘There is none righteous no not one.’(Romans ch3v10)
-‘Ye must be born again.’ (John ch3v3)

It was on a Sabbath evening as a young boy of nine that I professed faith in The Lord Jesus Christ.  Although during school years I had no desire to be involved in worldly things and was blessed with Christian friends, I must confess that in my late teens, I became spiritually cold at heart.  No outward change may have been detected but The Holy Spirit was dealing with me and showing me my true condition.  Despite what others may have thought, God’s Word tells us in 1Samuel ch16v7 that ‘The Lord seeth not as man seeth for man looketh on the outward appearance but God looketh on the heart.’

After being troubled for some time I remained behind after an evening Gospel Service, conducted by our minister at the time, the Rev. Alan Cairns. That night he opened God’s Word at 1John ch1v9 which says, ‘If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’  That night I came with genuine repentance of sin trusting Christ as Saviour and Lord of my life.  I received assurance and peace in my heart that only God can give.

I was twenty years of age then and I can still say today, with the Apostle Paul in 2Tim ch1v12, ‘For I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.’

I thank The Lord for a good and Godly wife who has been a help and encouragement to me throughout our married life and a loving family where each one knows The Lord as their personal Saviour.

It is also a privilege to serve The Lord on the Session of Hebron Free Presbyterian Church with a Godly pastor and men who love The Lord Jesus Christ and who seek to see men and women, boys and girls saved for God’s Honour and Glory alone.  I just feel humbled and like Jacob when he said in Gen ch32v10, ‘I am not worthy of the least of all Thy mercies.’